cctv lens




Megapixel lens @ Das Auto
author:admin  time:2018-3-19  Number of click:3310

We are honored to be one of very important vendor of Das Auto via supplying many megapixel lenses, cctv lenses, machine vision lenses etc. to Das China and some other overseas area.
Das Auto is European biggest brand at automtive cars manufacturing for decades throughout all Europ market and world markets. Das group has Bently, Porsche, Lamboghini, Gugatti, Audi etc. world famous brands.
Shanghai Volsvagen etc. using our lenses is a exsample of high lenses quality and trust of soyo security by judging a reliable vendor.

Contact: Fany Chow    Cell: 86-18949838193   Email:  Skype: soyocctv
CCTV lens, megapixel lens varifocal lens,camera lens,machine vision lens, motorized zoom lens, fisheye lens, FA lens, industrial lens, M12 lens, color sorting lens, MTV lens, board lens