cctv lens




Update of Website
author:admin  time:2013-8-7  Number of click:2347
Soyo security will upgrade our website from 10th.Aug - 11st.Aug, and during this time, you might not able to get access to browse. Soyo security has 8 years specialized experience at CCTV lens and accessories in HongKong and China mainland from 2005, and have our Chinese website of Alibaba since 2006 and Chinese homepage since 2007, after years working and overseas business development and some of world exhibition took part in, overseas sales department has big demand to establish a new website of Totaly English version, March, 2013, we put on our new website onto internet.
Soyo security, an expert at CCTV lens manufacturering and wholesale,an expert at high level outstanding quality CCTV lens promotion, an expert at one station purchasing to you.
Old website: host will not be used by repalcement of ,nevertheless, all emails, telephone call will be forwarded to our new ones without any problem.
Soyo - Solution Of Your Own !
Soyo security.